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Ireland’s rich cultural heritage is interwoven with a tradition of whiskey making that stretches back centuries. Renowned for its smoothness, complexity, and distinct flavors, Irish whiskey has earned admirers worldwide. Join us on a journey through some of Ireland’s finest whiskey distilleries, where tradition meets innovation, and every sip tells a story.

The Old Bushmills Distillery

In County Antrim, Northern Ireland, The Old Bushmills Distillery lays claim to being the oldest licensed distillery in the world, dating back to 1608. Steeped in history, this iconic distillery has been producing exceptional whiskey for over four centuries. Guided tours offer visitors a glimpse into the process of crafting their renowned blends, from mashing and fermentation to distillation and maturation in oak casks. The tour concludes with a tasting session, allowing guests to savor the distinct flavors of Bushmills whiskey, including its signature smoothness and hints of honey and vanilla.

Image Source: Derek Lynn on Unsplash 

Jameson Distillery Bow St

Jameson Distillery was founded in 1780, in the heart of Dublin on Bow Street. Today, this address stands as a monument to Irish Whiskey. Here, guided tours provide an immersive experience, showcasing the art of distillation and the influence of aging in charred oak barrels. Visitors can try the different kinds of whiskeys or participate in whiskey blending sessions. And if you really want to see how Jameson whiskey is made, you can visit the Midleton Distillery Experience.

Midleton Distillery 

Situated in County Cork, the Midleton Distillery is the beating heart of Irish whiskey production. Home to iconic brands such as Jameson, Redbreast, Powers, the Spot Whiskeys, Method and Madness and Knappogue Castle this complex combines state-of-the-art facilities with time-honored craftsmanship. Guided tours provide a behind-the-scenes look at the art of blending and maturation, showcasing the expertise of Midleton’s distillers. Visitors can explore the historic warehouses, where millions of barrels age, imparting their character and complexity to the whiskey within. Tasting sessions offer a sensory journey through Midleton’s diverse portfolio, from smooth and mellow blends to rich and robust pot still expressions

Teeling Distillery

In the Liberties neighborhood of Dublin, the Teeling Distillery stands for innovation in the Irish whiskey renaissance. It was founded in 2015 by the Teeling family, known to have a lineage of whiskey makers dating back to 1782. Guided tours offer insights into the distillation process, highlighting Teeling’s unique approach to flavor experimentation and maturation. Visitors can sample a diverse range of whiskies, from classic single malts to innovative small-batch releases, each reflecting the distillery’s commitment to quality and creativity.

Kilbeggan Distillery

Stepping back in time, the Kilbeggan Distillery offers a glimpse into Ireland’s whiskey-making heritage. Located in County Westmeath, this historic distillery traces its roots to 1757, making it one of the oldest licensed distilleries in Ireland. Guided tours lead visitors through the distillery’s grounds, from the restored kilns and malt house to the towering copper pot stills. The highlight of the experience is a tasting of Kilbeggan’s whiskies, including its flagship blend and limited-edition releases.


The many whiskey distilleries in Ireland offer more than just a drink. They provide a window into the country’s culture and storied past. From the historic charm of The Old Bushmills Distillery to the innovative spirit of Teeling Distillery, each distillery embodies the essence of Irish craftsmanship, tradition, and taste. Whether you’re a seasoned whiskey aficionado or a curious traveler, a visit to these distilleries promises an unforgettable journey through Ireland’s liquid gold. And if you want to taste some of their spirits during a visit to Dublin, you can try them at our bar in the Irish Whiskey Museum.

Header Image Source: Thomas Thompson on Unsplash 

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